Prepare for Annual Recital

Piano recitals are a valuable tool for helping piano students to achieve their musical dreams. Too frequently, however, parents mistakenly believe their child's upcoming piano recital is some kind of an initiation test, and sadly project this attitude to their children. But nothing could be further from the truth. Here is the real truth about piano recitals parents need to know.
Piano recitals helps children succeed in piano, because they establish a goal that gives students power and direction. What would it be like if your child could walk up to the recital piano and play their best simply because they know they can? Of course it would be wonderful! So why not let them?
Here is the most common explanation parents give for not wanting their children to participate in piano recitals, and an alternative to this perspective.
"I'm afraid my child will be embarrassed if they don't perform well."
Okay, so you're afraid. That's understandable, but is it a reason? Here's a better way to look at it. As a parent, what is your goal? By attending piano recitals, children have the opportunity to become more confident, and to learn from their mistakes. Do you want your child to grow in confidence and learn to fly, or stay wrapped inside a psychological cocoon? If your goal is to help your musical child learn how to fly, and overcome their worries and fears about performing, follow through with effective parenting habits that support this goal.
Continue to support your child. Let him know that being nervous is a normal reaction and that everyone, even grown-ups, feel it to a certain extent when they have to do a recital. Listen to what he has to share with you and address his concerns in a kind and respectful way. Encourage him to practice daily. Daily practice can help him to gain confidence as he will get more comfortable with his piece.
4 weeks before recital: Practice the stage manner
Proper Stage Manner:
1.      Walk to next to piano and bow. Count 1-2-3 silently in your heart when bow. Feet have to be together. Hands have to be at side of body during bow.
2.      Walk to piano and sit down on bench. Put your hands on your lap when sitting down. Hands on piano count 1-2-3 then start to play.
3.      After you finish your first piece, put your hands back to your lap, then up to piano again for second piece.
4.      After your finish your second piece, put your hands back to your lap again, then stand up and walk to your right side.
5.      Bow one more time and go down the stage and find your parents.
Transition: Your child need to practice stage manner together with his/hers recital piece as one big piece with smooth transition. Smooth transition is very important on the stage.
7 days before recital: Decide together with parents what to wear for recital. Please do not wear jeans. Please be formal but not too fancy. Girls who have long hair should tie your hair up so that your hair will not get into your way when you bow. Try not to wear high heels because they are not good if your songs require you to use pedal (higher level). Be comfortable in choosing dress. Avoid some clothes material that will make you itchy.
On recital day
1.5 hour before recital: Dress up and prepare. You can practice with your dress on about stage manner (how to bow) and transition of two songs.

45 minutes before recital: Get ready into your car
30 minutes before recital: Start driving! (depend where you live) Attention drivers, please know where you are going!
15 minutes before recital: arrive at Recital Hall. Please pick up one recital program per household and seat yourself started from the front row. Teacher will be very busy and no time to direct you where to sit. For those who come first, please do not choose to sit at back row. Please sit from front to back according to your arrival time. Performers will be sitting together with your parents. While you are waiting, please turn off your cell phones.
During Recital
Please tell your child to get ready by walking towards the stage when you see his/her name is the next in recital program.

Do not clap between two pieces. Do not use flash to take pictures. You are distracting your own child by using flash! You can also take video without flash.
If your younger child start to make noise (such as babies or younger than 3), please leave quietly through the back door.
The recital is going to be about 45 hour. (or more, or less) Please stay for the whole recital. After all the students played, I will be calling student’s name and they will come up to get their award.
After Recital
Please reward your child after the recital whether he/she makes a mistake or not. Let him know that you are proud of him either way. If your child is disappointed in his performance, that’s okay.  Ask him what would him do differently next time?

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