The advantages of taking summer lessons:
The disadvantages of taking summer vacation:
-->Be prepared to work harder with your teacher.
-->Be more diligent about practicing and work harder to overcome your skill atrophy due to summer vacation.
-->If the time and money is available, consider additional lessons to compensate for those that you lost during the summer. For example, if you missed four lessons in the summer, then schedule four additional lessons, one every other week, starting from September when you come back.
-->Of course your teacher is aggressive because she can see how much your children have fallen behind.
-->Of course your kids are not enjoying their piano lessons as much as before (who would enjoy the feeling of…oh, I used to know this, but now I cannot do it anymore?).
-->Of course you are still taking time to adjust back to the school’s schedule and everything looks crazy now!!
Lastly, bear with your teacher, listen to her suggestion and your child will recover from summer skill atrophy and break the bad cycle of changing piano teacher every year in November.