Feb 2023 "Mus"letter

Congratulations to all students that completed Certificate of Merit Test today (Feb7) !!!!

Please check back to mtac website March 1 for your test results !!

If you never taken CM test before and interested in finding out what it is about, please send me a text !! Thank you !!

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Building a Mini Habit of Practice Piano

Watch this 21 minutes video -


Adapted from a book by Stephen Guise 

Rewrite by Sue Dibble, piano teacher from mypianojourney.com

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~ Lao Tzu 

When you repeat a behavior over time, your brain learns to automate the process. Repetition is the language of the (subconscious) brain. 

Tips 1: Choose your mini habits & habit plan

In this case, we are building up a mini habit of practice piano for lifetime

Tips 2: Define your habit cues 

The two common habit cues are time based and activity-based. In a time based cue, you’ll say, “I’m going to practice piano MWF at 3 PM.” In an activity based cue, you’ll say, “I’m going to practice piano MWF 30 minutes after I take my last bite at dinner.” 

Tips 3: Create your reward plan 

Talk to your piano student and design a reward system. Rewards encourage repeat behavior, and also restore our willpower. Without reward, you will meet stronger resistance!!

Tips 4: Write everything down 

Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, "You can't manage what you can't measure."

Writing something down instantly elevates it above all of your other thoughts. One study found that all thoughts (positive or negative) held greater prominence in the mind when written down on paper. The same impact has not been found for typing. So, don’t use any electronic App to track your practice! You’ve got to handwrite it to amplify it.

Tips 5: Meet your schedule & drop high expectations

Be happy with all progress -- Being happy with small progress is different from having low standards. There’s a quote by Bruce Lee that sums it up: “Be happy, but never satisfied.” Bruce Lee did more with his limited lifetime of 32 years than two typical people do with 80 years each, so listen to him. 

Tips 6: Never cheat!! 

Don’t log your practice if you don’t practice!! Lying to yourself is not going to help anything at all!! At the other hand, if you practice, then you MUST log it. Otherwise, it is just another form of lying to yourself!! You are logging your practice for yourself, not for your teacher nor parents. In fact, I would never want you to show me your practice log because I trust you!!

Tips 7: If you feel strong resistance, back off & go even smaller

Common “wisdom,” tells us that we’ve got to push through strong feelings of resistance. Well, that’s stupid. Willpower is limited, and if you’re pushing beyond your means now, it means you’re going to crash and burn later. When you feel resistance to any task, make it smaller. If you are having resistance for 10 minutes per day practice, then go for 5 minutes instead. Problem solved.

The end

Thank you for reading!!

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