March 2024 "Mus"Letter

 Duet with Luna

<<Heart and Soul>>

Luna learned this all by herself by ear and we put it together as a duet, thank you so much !!

Duet with Casey

<<A Winter Tale>>

<<Song of Autumn>>

Duet with Ella

<< Left Over Popcorn>>

She made an origami piano for me !!  Thank you Ella, you are so creative !

Duet with Ziva

<<We Wish you a Merry Christmas>>

Duet with Tucker

<<Turkish March>>

Solo by Aiden B

<<Thunder>> by Imagine Dragon

Solo by Gala

<<Snowflake Rag>>

In the History, year 2021:

At lesson # 173, student can be at Book#23of30. Dylan was playing <<Whispers of the Wind>> by R. Faber.


Limited Openings:

I have a few limited openings now left in my schedule. The priorities of getting these slots fill up goes in this way:

  1. First priority goes to any current students that want to increase their duration. For example, if you have a 30 minute duration, and you are willing to increase it to 40 minutes, please let me know !!

  2. Second priority goes to any current’s student’s sibling in the same family. Usually I will adjust and squeeze in siblings so that both of you can have back to back lessons instead of driving to the studio twice in a week. If you have a sibling in same family would like to take piano lesson, please let me know so that I can put you in waiting list !!

  3. Last priority is given to new students. 


For students that express interest for the test in Feb 2025, first video due June of 2024. Registration will happen in October of 2024 online. 

These are the students that currently preparing for the CM test in Feb 2025:

Marius, Kayden, Nikki, Shang, Ziva, Vedhika, Alma, Aiden K, Aiden B, Alice, Mario, Alexis, Koji, Matt. If you are interested in CM test but don’t see your name here, please text me now !! I need to give you the first song so that you can prepare for the first video due June of 2024 !!

The End, thank you for reading !!

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